Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Homemade Flight Simulator Chair
Romano if you greetings friends saying, "Romano BELLA'Sei if you go out to dinner with friends and .. account if you 'stick' ROMAN .. er each his own! you if you call friends using Romano: 'A Zi .. To Brother .. A We .. Six Roman if you've seen at least once 'Il Marchese del Grillo' of Albertone .. and have used this phrase: 'Because I know I. .. and you're n'cazzo nun! Romano if you eat, 'Bucatini all'amatriciana', 'Carbonara', 'oxtail', 'Saltimbocca alla Romana', 'tripe', 'pork rinds with facioli', and drink as Romanella was water! Romano if you are dining during the fraschette to Ariccia, at parties, during a short trip or when you go, you begin to sing out loud: 'What we fregaaaaaa ... but there' ... mportaaa Six Roman if you are forced to spend the summer in Ostia or Torvaianica .. and can not wait to have the leave to go to a cleaner sea where you feel the thrill of vedè least once your feet when you do the bathroom .... and you do not seem real!! Romano if you are just heard about the number 23 .. you are automatically exclaim: 'Bucio DE CULOOOOOOO!' Romano if you are using 'ER' in front of the names, nicknames, etc. .. things .. 'ER MOLLICA' .. 'ER CAT ..' Six Roman if you've seen at least most of the film by Carlo Verdone, Christian De Sica, and Thomas Milian .. (ER garbage) if you're Roman all cd Venditti and know by heart .. 'Roma Capoccia' .. if you go to North Roman and speak with your accent even if you do not understand .. Six Roman if you changed the machine, and every now and tell your friends, "Aho Annam tonight at he?" And go to the races obelisk or the euro. You call Roman if he does the things written on "Compulsory" if you're Roman city when it comes to art you bring out clearly mention the Colosseum and Rome! Six Roman Coliseum when you go to just to stand around and admire it's maybe take a picture! Because even if it is always the same .. every time you look well! Romano if you go to the stadium with the scarf out of the glass and on the way with the horn goes off to other fans who crosses the street ... if you insult the Milanese Romano, saying, "A MILANO C'AVETE .. ONLY THE MIST .." or "Roma Capitale LONDON BRANCH" if you Roman and Milanese MILANO ODI Blondes Have you ... if you go to Rome Via del Corso, but only to look at the windows, because you know that both in those shops do not buy ANYTHING! (It is a privilege of the Japanese) are you if you have visited the Roman fewer places for any tourist in Rome! Roman de night before if you are from back home steps from "Orfeo" er .. paninari and you make a hamburger bun with tomatoes, mozzarella, corn, tuna, lettuce, peppers, potatoes, mayonnaise, ketchup, olives, sauce and mushrooms ..! Six Roman if you go around the co gold chain around his neck that weighs more from you because it's very compulsive! Romano if you go around the co loud music in the car, after a while 'you break the glass as well! ! Six Roman if you look to first and say: THAT COJONE! Six Roman if you bought your clothes at least once via Sannio Romano if you walk the summer between the local Host to dance or RomaEstateSei Romano if you're in your area when you complain of the traffic, smog, immigration .. and then when you go off the shots and talk like the most beautiful city in the world! Six Roman if you sign at the university only because then you're Roman Pit to the various parties if people go to other cities when you say: "Daii six of Rome? Say something that I like the way you talk .. "Romano if you go to sea and do not you put the cream pe er is forced in the evening and then use your back pè Roman kitchen .. if you when you say" BUT YOUR LI mortacci " ... Often it is not so offensive! Six Roman if you have a nickname that you give your friends and now you too mother calls you to co ... You're a Roman when you tell if anything screams loudly to attract attention and so that everyone can hear you! and then gestured, size and tell you all stirred up as if you're talking about a fight face to face no co shark from which you came out the winner ... you Romano If you cut all the verbs! (Dormì.. Cantà magna .. ..) are you if you've always Romano Romano prontaSei the joke if you've always a smile and a help for friends Romano if you've used at least one time in your life these words: "More PULL 'N DE **** THAT HAIR 'N WAGON DE oxen' N UP! "," Whose turn NSE NGRUGNA "," WHO FIRST MENA MENA PE DDU VORT "Romano if you when you are in a row in the traffic starts to play horn and shouting with all against all if you're Roman to call friends say "REGàààààààààààààààààà" Romano if you use these words when you 1amico late: "DAJEEE .. MOVITE .. HURRY UP .. "Romano if you when you go to a country where you do not know anyone else and find a Roman, tell us if you are like childhood friends .. You say if you use Roman "Rome Caput Mundi" Romano if you go to the North with a smile and say you're from Rome Romano if you go to dance only when the PR is a friend of the club that puts you on the list and then enter free! ! But you're Roman mainly because you are proud of your city .. history and all the monuments .. the historic Roman characters that have left their mark .. and not ashamed to say never where you from, even go away proud! When the amazed at the way we speak, eat, live .. and why in spite of everything .. also If you would like to escape on a tropical island at times .. know I will never leave this beautiful capital which is ROME!. .. PROUD TO BE ROMAN SPQRSENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS (this is the real meaning), or if we want .. .. FOUR NETWORKS ARE FEW .. (In honor of the 4 goals of ROMA) ROMANS THEY ARE CRAZY .. (E EC boast ..) AND OTHER OFFENSIVE THAT WE GIVE MEANING TO THE NORTH ... Well say .. YOU ARE ONLY !!!!!! Rosica
Homemade Flight Simulator Chair
Romano if you greetings friends saying, "Romano BELLA'Sei if you go out to dinner with friends and .. account if you 'stick' ROMAN .. er each his own! you if you call friends using Romano: 'A Zi .. To Brother .. A We .. Six Roman if you've seen at least once 'Il Marchese del Grillo' of Albertone .. and have used this phrase: 'Because I know I. .. and you're n'cazzo nun! Romano if you eat, 'Bucatini all'amatriciana', 'Carbonara', 'oxtail', 'Saltimbocca alla Romana', 'tripe', 'pork rinds with facioli', and drink as Romanella was water! Romano if you are dining during the fraschette to Ariccia, at parties, during a short trip or when you go, you begin to sing out loud: 'What we fregaaaaaa ... but there' ... mportaaa Six Roman if you are forced to spend the summer in Ostia or Torvaianica .. and can not wait to have the leave to go to a cleaner sea where you feel the thrill of vedè least once your feet when you do the bathroom .... and you do not seem real!! Romano if you are just heard about the number 23 .. you are automatically exclaim: 'Bucio DE CULOOOOOOO!' Romano if you are using 'ER' in front of the names, nicknames, etc. .. things .. 'ER MOLLICA' .. 'ER CAT ..' Six Roman if you've seen at least most of the film by Carlo Verdone, Christian De Sica, and Thomas Milian .. (ER garbage) if you're Roman all cd Venditti and know by heart .. 'Roma Capoccia' .. if you go to North Roman and speak with your accent even if you do not understand .. Six Roman if you changed the machine, and every now and tell your friends, "Aho Annam tonight at he?" And go to the races obelisk or the euro. You call Roman if he does the things written on "Compulsory" if you're Roman city when it comes to art you bring out clearly mention the Colosseum and Rome! Six Roman Coliseum when you go to just to stand around and admire it's maybe take a picture! Because even if it is always the same .. every time you look well! Romano if you go to the stadium with the scarf out of the glass and on the way with the horn goes off to other fans who crosses the street ... if you insult the Milanese Romano, saying, "A MILANO C'AVETE .. ONLY THE MIST .." or "Roma Capitale LONDON BRANCH" if you Roman and Milanese MILANO ODI Blondes Have you ... if you go to Rome Via del Corso, but only to look at the windows, because you know that both in those shops do not buy ANYTHING! (It is a privilege of the Japanese) are you if you have visited the Roman fewer places for any tourist in Rome! Roman de night before if you are from back home steps from "Orfeo" er .. paninari and you make a hamburger bun with tomatoes, mozzarella, corn, tuna, lettuce, peppers, potatoes, mayonnaise, ketchup, olives, sauce and mushrooms ..! Six Roman if you go around the co gold chain around his neck that weighs more from you because it's very compulsive! Romano if you go around the co loud music in the car, after a while 'you break the glass as well! ! Six Roman if you look to first and say: THAT COJONE! Six Roman if you bought your clothes at least once via Sannio Romano if you walk the summer between the local Host to dance or RomaEstateSei Romano if you're in your area when you complain of the traffic, smog, immigration .. and then when you go off the shots and talk like the most beautiful city in the world! Six Roman if you sign at the university only because then you're Roman Pit to the various parties if people go to other cities when you say: "Daii six of Rome? Say something that I like the way you talk .. "Romano if you go to sea and do not you put the cream pe er is forced in the evening and then use your back pè Roman kitchen .. if you when you say" BUT YOUR LI mortacci " ... Often it is not so offensive! Six Roman if you have a nickname that you give your friends and now you too mother calls you to co ... You're a Roman when you tell if anything screams loudly to attract attention and so that everyone can hear you! and then gestured, size and tell you all stirred up as if you're talking about a fight face to face no co shark from which you came out the winner ... you Romano If you cut all the verbs! (Dormì.. Cantà magna .. ..) are you if you've always Romano Romano prontaSei the joke if you've always a smile and a help for friends Romano if you've used at least one time in your life these words: "More PULL 'N DE **** THAT HAIR 'N WAGON DE oxen' N UP! "," Whose turn NSE NGRUGNA "," WHO FIRST MENA MENA PE DDU VORT "Romano if you when you are in a row in the traffic starts to play horn and shouting with all against all if you're Roman to call friends say "REGàààààààààààààààààà" Romano if you use these words when you 1amico late: "DAJEEE .. MOVITE .. HURRY UP .. "Romano if you when you go to a country where you do not know anyone else and find a Roman, tell us if you are like childhood friends .. You say if you use Roman "Rome Caput Mundi" Romano if you go to the North with a smile and say you're from Rome Romano if you go to dance only when the PR is a friend of the club that puts you on the list and then enter free! ! But you're Roman mainly because you are proud of your city .. history and all the monuments .. the historic Roman characters that have left their mark .. and not ashamed to say never where you from, even go away proud! When the amazed at the way we speak, eat, live .. and why in spite of everything .. also If you would like to escape on a tropical island at times .. know I will never leave this beautiful capital which is ROME!. .. PROUD TO BE ROMAN SPQRSENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS (this is the real meaning), or if we want .. .. FOUR NETWORKS ARE FEW .. (In honor of the 4 goals of ROMA) ROMANS THEY ARE CRAZY .. (E EC boast ..) AND OTHER OFFENSIVE THAT WE GIVE MEANING TO THE NORTH ... Well say .. YOU ARE ONLY !!!!!! Rosica
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Fotos D Mulheres Lesbicas Nuas
someone was offended? Of course not, because nobody has read.
However Bindo, courteous as ever, the manner of François Villon, apologize.
De Profundis
If someone s'offese for
three verses which then ultimately lost, and I deeply apologize
ask mercy, not me the war.
are already in hell, that you want more?
If the words, perhaps, are tough,
deep down I have the mind of a pure.
are cachinni no offense, obviously
accepted the apology and so be it. The
Fotos D Mulheres Lesbicas Nuas
someone was offended? Of course not, because nobody has read.
However Bindo, courteous as ever, the manner of François Villon, apologize.
De Profundis
If someone s'offese for
three verses which then ultimately lost, and I deeply apologize
ask mercy, not me the war.
are already in hell, that you want more?
If the words, perhaps, are tough,
deep down I have the mind of a pure.
are cachinni no offense, obviously
accepted the apology and so be it. The
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Rash Groin Inner Thigh Pubic
We receive and gladly publish (albeit with a disclaimer for the noble and simple) uk return in great sweep of Mr Ezio (alia The Bind )
When I'm back somthing that is not thrown,
they say, alas, now we are fruit;
on this site, blue
there writes no, not even a boor.
Oh, Tweety, Tweety, I miss your prose;
but where can it be the beautiful (?) Puffa?
not to mention Marcia. Make mold?
For you my dear, a "Elisa" is at the door
eighth king of Rome in the palace .. When
scrambled inside of you let them the gift of fatal fart. He perepetti
of breasts and a king are well
roaring all three.
Ezio Bindi Bindi
(Editor's note: remind our readers that the post February 27, 2006 and following - Urca, it's been more than two years - we've covered extensively on this blog the intriguing topic of meteorites in women's literature, and is chronologically the last of the Bindo so much wisdom ...)
Rash Groin Inner Thigh Pubic
We receive and gladly publish (albeit with a disclaimer for the noble and simple) uk return in great sweep of Mr Ezio (alia The Bind )
When I'm back somthing that is not thrown,
they say, alas, now we are fruit;
on this site, blue
there writes no, not even a boor.
Oh, Tweety, Tweety, I miss your prose;
but where can it be the beautiful (?) Puffa?
not to mention Marcia. Make mold?
For you my dear, a "Elisa" is at the door
eighth king of Rome in the palace .. When
scrambled inside of you let them the gift of fatal fart. He perepetti
of breasts and a king are well
roaring all three.
Ezio Bindi Bindi
(Editor's note: remind our readers that the post February 27, 2006 and following - Urca, it's been more than two years - we've covered extensively on this blog the intriguing topic of meteorites in women's literature, and is chronologically the last of the Bindo so much wisdom ...)