Government, Finian, Third Pole, Berlusconi, VendolĂ ... and liberalism?
The "third pole" is prepared to submit a motion of censure in Deputies common to the Berlusconi government. Abacus in hand, the 36 Members of the Future and freedom (not including Gianfranco Fini, president of the House) must be added the 35 votes of the UDC Pier Ferdinando Casini, the 6 API Francesco Rutelli, the 5 Mp led by Governor Raffaele Italo Lombardi and 3 Liberal Tanoni (collectively have 85). These, then, we must add the two members of the mixed group, who have declared a vote of no confidence: the exponent of Pri Giorgio La Malfa and former blue Paolo Guzzanti. In total, therefore, we get to share 87.
But the third prong is not it? Or is it a hoax! E 'finished really bipolar? It 'began the Third Republic? There is a leader in third pole? What I think, is that a new alignment that will make the third call ... you feel defeated from the outset. It is to understand then, if such a deployment is at the heart or a little 'to the right. It 's a bit liberal-Catholic or Catholic-guaranteed. In short, can indeed constitute a new element?
I think this is intended to be a bit elusive deployment 'anachronistic compared to the actual values \u200b\u200bof Italian society. Politically incorrect, voters without large claims for lack a leader.
From a decade or so, the Italian company is divided on two main lines for broad principles on the one hand there are those who put solidarity, social values, before all, is in favor of the company. On the other hand there are those who encourage individualism, economic freedom, market, merit. One pole of the way, I can not collect huge success, if only for a single glue that may be able to hold together, a radical with a fervent Catholic and a sponsor who discovers liberal, namely antiberlusconismo. Here is how this pole is not politically correct. There is a program capable of forming an Italy New. However, there are good ideas based on the protection of the family, and on terms of citizenship that can help improve things. But I'd be curious to understand how they think on the same subject, one who has shared for many years, the pattern-perfect God, Country, Family, with a radical politics that has extracted and is expressed on the same concept, being attentive to those civic values \u200b\u200bthat are current.
Outside this area, there is no better. Starting from the right, is that of government, perhaps not for long, populist Northern League and clinging to Berlusconi. Please note that ...! It is not finished at all. You could just move the party and called Vendola. To the left is nothing, with the variation of a character who makes her way, Nichi Vendola fact, that is always in the election campaign, the policy focuses on him, on his language and his passion. Just like Silvio Berlusconi has made to date.
I think you can define a future election campaign, again based on people rather than content. Beyond all the possible electoral reforms.
What I think, is that in all this political turmoil, however, at a time so delicate economically, is not out of a team that knows how to re-evaluate the liberal ideas. And who knows how to highlight all forms of freedom, social and individual, able to put the center of society The person, who at one year anniversary of the unification of Italy, try to weaken the differences idealistic, economic and social differences between north and south. Giving a more serious of our country abroad.
Liberal is the substance that was dissolved as a liquid between the various political camps. Liberals are all. But no one has the courage to "be" by putting it into practice.
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