Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is Medimix Good For Acne

The risk of a lost generazioine
You are painting a scenario where being young is no longer synonymous with the future and growth. Lower wages and reduced prospects for graduates. Hard times for graduates. This is documented, with awe and horror, the latest survey carried out by AlmaLaurea in his twelfth report on the Italian universities. There is talk of a framework "bleak." The analysis and statistics have documented and photographed what's going on from one year to this part within (and outside) of fifty Italian universities. Involving a number of graduates of more than 200 000 young people in almost all disciplines. The situation in the world of work raises some considerable concern. The labor market does not take part. And in turn affects the young, who more then a feel discouraged and humiliated before. "Do not take!" Is the refrain you hear from them again, grinding his teeth, the embarrassing question: why do not you work? Youth unemployment has reached a record level in 2009 and is expected to grow further this year because of the crisis and the recovery is too slow labor market. The warning is the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the UN agency based in Geneva. The report, published to coincide with the celebration of International Youth Day, said that between 2007 and 2009 the unemployment rate has jumped from 11, 9% to 13%. An unprecedented. This kind of apprehension to undergo both first-level graduates and those who complete their degree. The former suffer from the evils of the century, namely the notorious unemployment, according to these numerical data: 22%. The latter stood with the same problem at 21%. The global financial crisis has affected proportionately more young people than adults. In some European countries, including Spain and Britain, many young people have even lost all hope of finding a job. This phenomenon has important consequences. Risks creating a lost generation consists of young who have been pushed out of the labor market and who have lost all hope of a way to live decent. The Eurostat figures show that the situation is more dramatic in Spain, where the unemployment rate among young people under 25 years has reached 40.5%, a far cry from 9.4% in Germany. It is no longer a cliche, or so obvious that it means to earn a degree in toto a safe and well-paid in the world of work. This suspicion, which has crept in and circulated from time employment reality of our country, has become a fait accompli beyond repair. Given the crisis ... Yet signs of recovery, albeit tentative, at the international level, it would be recorded. In Italy, however, "the emergency youth" remains. An almost unanimous recorded data, namely on many universities spread across the peninsula, is that the number of students who dare to want to continue or to the achievement of specialist is falling. I mean maybe: saltami want to study him? Or the need to work as soon as it is so urgent as to give up further education. But the situation in percentage figures shows that 9% of first-level graduates are still looking for work. Those who study at the university are cautioned graduation, that famous piece of paper, that the parents had demanded almost a status symbol, although valuable, does not automatically open doors and even the gates of the world of work. That is always saying " Search and find. " The persistence will be rewarded. Do not give up, therefore, graduates at the end of a shred of work turns out. Perhaps, however, will not match the qualifications obtained and skills developed ...


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