Italy is based on gerontocracy
We saw them go up and express (or not share their motives and discussing the ways used) on the monuments for which Italy is famous, almost to mean that it is culture, you have to rebuild a disoriented country, where social disadvantage is daily life, where precarious employment has become a structural element, where the regression and inadequate economic policy seem increasingly evident and where for the younger generation there is no perception of the future. Young Italians in recent months have been among those most able to express their dissatisfaction with a system that marginalizes them in fact. Italy, which only protects the established positions and pushing their young people to go abroad if they want to find a suitable job in their preparation, the most dynamic part of the country that opposed the desire to make their voices heard. This is why the UN decision to dedicate 2011 to young people could be the opportunity to propose some reflections and concrete actions in their favor. The year was launched to promote the ideals of peace, respect for human rights and solidarity between generations, cultures and religions, because they are their own, young people, to spread the ability to listen, to recognize the differing opinions and to resolve their differences in a nonviolent way.
The International Year of Youth is an opportunity to highlight the contribution that new generations can make to society and to increase their more full and effective participation. The lack of jobs for young people in all countries, the most important problem, and in many cases, a real social emergency, especially in the current economic crisis. And Italy?
In an international context so detrimental to the younger generation, the situation in our country poses further exacerbated by a political and social system that has stopped investing in its youngest levers, for the selfishness of a ruling class that talks about opening an obstacle to young then, their protagonists, and averse to innovation and an economic system that sees in a young person to exploit, rather that value.
Result: according to Istat one in three young people are unemployed, the rate of youth unemployment in February reached 29.4%.
addition to these data certainly are increasing the general distrust and dissatisfaction, social insecurity feeds only if you think that the future society, formed just by the current young people, will face the consequences which result from the delicate situations current for domestic and foreign markets. At this point it is right to consider whether or not Italy is a country for young people, or is a land threatened to disappear rather than the much feared invasion of North Africa, since its gerontocracy.
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